If you remember the Effie Iron Machine that we introduced few months ago? Now we have it's 'sister' - Foldimate! If you hate folding clothes, you will love this!
Estimated price at US$ 980, the estimated date of shipping for first shipment falls in 2019, you can fold as many clothes as you can in a speedy way.
The fast folding technology allows you to feed your items continuously while it simultaneously folds them. It automatically adjusts the folding method based on preferences, item type and sizes.
About FoldiMate
FoldiMate Inc. is a California based startup committed to simplifying household chores affordably through technology, innovation and robotics. The company’s first robotic product, FoldiMate, will put an end to laundry folding in our homes as we know it.
Source: Foldimate.com
Arut Chelvan
Please quote me the price Please Thank you
Right web side and price send
Herdin Roshbiani
We interested the FoldiMate Take the work out of laundry folding want for iraq erbil please send us details thanks
Pls let me have your price and how to purchase in Malaysia, thank you.
How i gonna buy foldimate machine?
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